
We know the idea of waxing can be a little nerve-wracking for all of you new to waxing. We’re here to tell you it isn’t as bad as the movies make it out to be. There are no wrong questions- If you don’t see yours below send us an email and we will happily answer it for you. Don’t be shy 😉

What is the difference between a Bunny Brazilian, Bunny Bikini, and Bunny Bikini Line?

The Bunny Brazilian is an extended bikini plus the bunny tail. You can leave a strip or take it all off! The Bunny Bikini is an extended Bikini minus the Bunny tail. The Bunny Bikini Line is the two inches of hair on the thigh. Basically what you see wearing a regular bikini bottom.

What is the Bunny Tail?                                                                                                   

The Bunny Tail is the area immediately surrounding the anus. It does not include the glutes.

How do I prepare?                                                                                                               

Exfoliating the skin with a LuvScrub 2 to 3 times per will do the trick!

How long does the hair have to be?                                                                               

1/4 of an inch. For most people, it takes 2 to 3 weeks after shaving to grow this amount of hair. We know some of your hair grows quicker than others, but we cannot wax anything under 1/4 of an inch and you will need to reschedule.

Can I wax on my period?                                                                                                     

Of course! Just put in a fresh tampon before your service.

How often should I wax?                                                                                         

Once every 4 weeks is the ideal time frame for best results.

What kind of wax do you use?                                                                                           

We use only the best European hard wax. It is made in Milan, Italy. We have multiple formulas to choose from to make every single client experience amazing.

What are ingrown hairs?                                                                                                     

Ingrown hairs are hairs trapped under the skin. Some clients are more prone to getting them when shaving or waxing than others.

How do I prevent ingrown hairs?                                                                                       

Exfoliation! The number 1 way to treat ingrown hairs is by exfoliating 2 to 3 times per week. If this alone doesn’t work for you, we carry a roll-on product that helps get those pesky hairs out! Ask about PFB Vanish at your next service.

Okay really how much does a Brazilian hurt?                                                             

The anxiety of waxing is probably worse than the pain itself. The process is very quick and there is only pain when the strip is pulled. Immediately after VOILA no more pain. If you are still nervous, pick up a bottle of our numbing solution before your wax session. It needs to be applied 15 minutes before the wax.  

You forgot about me! What about male Brazilians?                                                   

The process is almost identical to the lady Brazilian. It includes the top, scrotum, shaft (if hair is present), and the back. Most men add full glutes to this service.

What is your cancellation policy?                                                                                     

Your appointments are very important to Bunny Beauty Wax Studio, it is reserved especially for you. We understand that sometimes schedule adjustments are necessary; therefore, we respectfully request at least 24 hours notice for cancellations. A cancellation fee will apply. – Less than 24-hour notice will result in a charge equal to 50% of the reserved service amount. – NO SHOWS will be charged 100% of the reserved service amount. – All services must be held with a credit card. The cancellation policy allows us the time to inform our standby guests of any availability, as well as keeping our schedule filled, thus better serving everyone. If you are more than 10 minutes late, the appointment will be canceled and a fee will be processed. We have to do this in order to respect our other clients time. Try to be on time so we can get you waxed!

I’m on medication- can I still wax?                                                                     

If you have taken Accutane within the last 6 months, unfortunately, no.  If you are using Retin-A or Differin, stop using it 7 days before the service. If you are taking antibiotics or steroids, send us an email with the name so we can figure out if you are a candidate. 

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